• Does getting locs hurt?

    Having dreadlocs installed and/or maintained can hurt.

    It depends on how sensitive you are and how often your hair has been done.

    Crocheting feels like 1 hair is being pulled at a time. It can be experienced as painful or irritating. The Irie Dreads team tries to take into account everyone's pain threshold and we work very gently and precisely, as painless as possible.

    We do everything we can to make your experience a good one! but the fact remains that doing hair can be painful.

    If you have never had your hair combed out at the hairdresser, or have never had it braided, are not used to anything, keep in mind that Yes, it hurts a bit

    For parents of children (from 5 to 18 years old) who would like to get them locs,  we advise you to think very carefully about this choice, indicate that it hurts ... not only when making the dreads but also every 10 weeks that you get maintenance. 

    Does your child have a sore scalp and/or are you in doubt? then please wait until he/she is 18 years old and can make this decision theirselfs.

  • What is the difference between Dreads and Locs?

    The name. One prefers to say dreads or dreadlocks and the other locs. At Irie Dreads we usually say dreads, because this is in the name. As far as we are concerned, there is nothing 'dreadfull' about dreads, as they have been called for centuries.

  • I want dreads. How long should my hair be?

    Your hair must be at least 10 cm long to make dreadlocks. For making dreadlocks and using extentions you need at least 15 cm long hair. Keep in mind that the length of your hair will be about 20% shorter when you put dreadlocks.

  • I have an appointment to make new dreads. What is expected of me?

    We expect you to wash your hair well with shampoo 1 to 2 days in advance, massage your scalp well and repeat the wash where necessary until the hair is clean. Do not use a conditioner, comb your hair well and show up with completely dry hair at your appointment.

  • What should I do before I come to update my outgrowth?

    We expect you to wash your hair well with shampoo 1 to 2 days in advance, massage your scalp well and repeat the wash where necessary until the hair is clean. Rinse the shampoo well! Appear with completely dry hair on your appointment.

  • What to do with my new dreads?

    We recommend that you do not wash or wet your hair for at least 4 weeks. Your hair needs at least a month to get firmly attached and when you wet them, the hairs absorb the water and expand. This makes them go out of shape, they become more bulky and fluffy.

    We have a Locking spray that can help the loc proces that we recommend.

  • How do I take care of my scalp?

    Your scalp may start to itch, flake or feel dry, this is because your hair is now divided into sections and your scalp on the partings is exposed to the weather (wind, rain, sun, etc.) This can cause irritation. We have 100% natural loc products to help you through this proces. Locking Spray, Hair growth oil, Misty morning spray and black soap shampoo bar, is everything you need to get a good start with your locking proces! Check out our product info page on this website to read more about our products!

  • I want to put a nice oil in my dreads that takes care of the fluff but does not leave a build-up?

    We have a whole natural Loc- hairline that is perfect for all hairtypes. Check out our product information page on this website

  • I hear a lot of stuff about lice and dreads. What can I do?

    Lice are more common in places where children are, schools, nurseries, out-of-school care, sports clubs. But anyone can get them, including people with dreads.

    There are a few things you can do to avoid getting them..

    Tea tree is one of those magic workers against lice

    Tea tree is used in all of our Loc products, as in our shampoo bar, spray's & oils. You are save with us

  • Help! Lice, now what?

    Don’t panic, it can be solved. Get at least three bottles of lice-shampoo and a few plastic bags. Massage your scalp and dreads with 1 full bottle of the anti-lice shampoo and cover all your hair with the plastic bag. Leave this for at least 8 hours, this will kill all the living lice. Wash your hair, rinse it and repeat until it’s clean. Ask someone to help you remove all the nits from your dreads. Lice can lay more than thousand eggs a day ON your dread, not IN your dread. So nits are on your scalp and ON your dreadlocks. If you have removed everything with a tweezers, you repeat the shampoo & bag-method. And if necessary also removing the nits again with tweezers. Wash your bedding, scarfs, clean your couch, clothes and make sure everything is clean and free of lice! 

    for the future.. use our products with build in tea tree oil 

  • What are absolute Dont's with dreadlocks?

    • Do not grease it. 
    • Do not always tie them in the same place, you will get weak spots. 
    • Do not try a new technique every 2 months, the internet offers many different opinions and so-called experience expert with regard to dreads, there is always someone who has a new idea about what is good for your dreads, or what you should do. The more you experiment, the uglier your dreads become. Keep 1 method and you will see that your dreads grow and shape very nicely. 
    • Do not let them grow together, this will become 1 lump and it will be difficult to get that beautiful again. After a wash, pull them apart by the scalp so that they remain nicely separated.
  • What are the Do's with dreads?

    Enjoy the ride!! 

    • Take care of your scalp. Massage with a bit of natural oil!
    • Your dreads are an extension of you, your roots. These roots grow to be seen! Allow them to grow in their own way, don’t force anything. Nothing is perfect, this is true with your locs. Not every single hair has to be super tight in your dread, maybe it just wants to be stubborn and seen.
    • Was your hair every 2-4 weeks. Plan your wash-day, so it keeps your hair clean and makes them smell nice. There are a lot of natural shampoos. We sell Dr. Bronner Shampoo at Irie Dreads, which smells super nice.
    • Palm roll your dreads once a week so the shape stays nice and round. 
    • Decorate your hair with beads, shells or dread wraps. Create your own dread-party!
    • Come back for your maintenance appointment every three months. This is the way to keep your hair sectioned and your dreads in a nice shape. We are happy to give you tips and tricks if needed! 

  • I want to comb out my dreads, is that possible?

    Yes! Take a fork or needle and start at the end of your dreads to brush them out carefully. It takes a lot of time, but it is possible to remove your dreads without cutting your hair. When you brushed everything out, wash your hair with a caring conditioner which boosts your hair. Olaplex makes your hair strong again. 

    Or take a aloe vera leave and smoosh the inside on the hair that is colmbed out, wash out after a hour

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